Charlize Theron in TOMS |
Our fave shoe designer, TOMS is turning 6! The buy one, give one program has proven to be a huge success. Since its launch in 2006 the company
has given out over 2,000,000 pairs of shoes to those in need. WOW–now that's something to celebrate!
TOMS has gained a cult following, including a celebrity fan base which includes Julia Roberts, Reece Witherspoon and Charlize Theron. And with their newer eye-wear program (which I blogged about a while back), the visually impaired receive help, from eye-saving surgery to prescription glasses.
What better way to celebrate this grand company than with a new pair of of TOMS from the Spring collection, so they can keep on giving. And you guessed it–
She She Clothing Boutique has the latest styles in stock!